Find me the right car on a small budget 2

The following table shows the users car preferences:

First Name giles
Are you buying a new or used car? Used
Car Body Type Sedan
Transmission Type Automatic
From Price Range 1000
To Price Range 2500
Priority 1 Quality/reliability
Priority 2 Economical to run and maintain
Priority 3 Re-sale

CarGuru’s Response:

Your limited budget constrains your choices somewhat.  The perennial favorites Toyota Corolla and Mazda 323 rise to the top in this budget that will also closely satisfy your top 3 priorities.  More specifically the Toyota Corolla CSi and Mazda 323 Protégé, both sedan variants of the (more) popular hatchbacks.  Toyotas are renowned for their reliability and this Corolla didn’t deviate from the norm.  But the Mazda doesn’t lag too far behind, if at all.  Both cars are robust and reliable and should satisfy your priority 1 criteria.  The Toyota may be a little cheaper to maintain/service, which can mainly be attributed to the cheaper parts.  There would be negligible difference for resale, given they are already 20 yo cars.
If you do want somethin a little different however, and perhaps a little more exclusive (perhaps not the best choice of words for this price bracket) then the Mazda 323 Protégé would be my choice.
Happy car shopping.

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